
LaDetta glass by Bernadette van der Klooster

I live and work in 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands. I was born in Zierikzee and three years old when we moved to Den Bosch. I grew up right in the city centre, in front of St-Jan cathedral. As a child, I preferred working creatively and loved getting lost in stories. I feel  strongly connected to my family, friends and my home town where I grew up and truly feel at home. Everyone needs a place to feel at home.

In 2007, I encountered molten glass, and since then, I've been addicted to this beautiful, fascinating material. Working with liquid glass is challenging and clears my mind.

At the moment, I primarily make tulips and tell stories through tulip installations. The tulip is strongly connected to where I come from (the Netherlands) and is elegantly and femininely shaped, strong, and colorful. In the Netherlands, we give each other flowers or tulips as gestures of appreciation or gratitude—when invited to a dinner, or simply to brighten someone's day. The tulip symbolizes the moments shared and the memory that lingers after the meeting. Additionally, I design tulips to honor and highlight women, for example, for important contributions that have gone unnoticed. I prefer creating custom works, with a story. There is also so much to tell about tulips...

